Why It Works

The Benefits of Creating Content the Ninja Way

#1: Be More Productive & Save Time

Having an amazing idea for a post is great.  But content marketing goes on for as long as you have a business! Having a plan… knowing what to write next and having it on a Content Calendar keeps you accountable and allows you to relax and enjoy marketing, motivating you to keep engaging and growing your business and customer base. 

A group of professors from Harvard and The Wharton School state that “Plan-making encourages people to develop strategies for overcoming logistical obstacles.”  1 (source) And “Twenty-eight percent of those assigned to the planning prompt condition” succeeded, compared with just 3% of those without a plan. 2 (source)  So when you are inspired by Bloggin’ Ninja’s thousands of customized ideas and put ’em on your Calendar, you’re far more likely to consistently post.

“Plan-making to increase follow-through” on your Content Calendar means you’re more than 25x more likely to succeed. (source)

Spark your creativity.™

In today’s amazingly competitive market, Bloggin’ Ninja tips the scales in your favor. With dozens of Writer’s Tools to help you brainstorm ideas, schedule posts, manage a content calendar, set deadline reminders and write content quickly, Bloggin’ Ninja helps you easily rise above the competition.

#2: Unlimited Customized Ideas

Creativity can’t be forced; it needs to be cultivated. Just because you have time to sit down and write doesn’t automatically mean the ideas will come. And when you’re on deadline, it can seem downright impossible.

That’s where Bloggin’ Ninja comes in. When you’re thinking about what to write, having analytical thoughts about things like Target Demographics… deadlines… content calendars… differentiation from your competition… comparisons to other bloggers… commercial viability of what you’re writing… customer interaction…  all swirling around while you’re trying to figure out what to blog about, well, it can be counterproductive to creativity. How frustrating! But Bloggin’ Ninja generates millions of customized ideas so you can quickly write and post amazing blog and social media posts.

In his book “Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation” Professor Keith Sawyer states: “Creativity is not a ‘gift.’ It is a skill. Skills can be developed and practiced.” 4 (source) Regardless of your experience level, the more you write, the better you get.

Free your mind, creativity will follow.™

Bloggin’ Ninja allows you to let down your guard and create freely. Our Brainstorm Boards® gently prompt, so you don’t have to use your analytic brain and your creative brain can be free to discover your ideas faster and more easily.

#3: You’re More Likely to Post Regularly

When you know where you’re going, you’re more likely to get there. Ask anyone who’s ever taken a road trip; when you have a specific end destination, do you wander around hoping to find it? Or do you map it, so you’re sure to arrive? 

“As there are millions of subjects a writer can write about and thousands of ways to express the same idea, writing is more challenging than it initially appears to be. It is a problem-solving activity, a process that requires the generation, planning, reading and reviewing of the writer’s thoughts. Deciding what to write about can be tricky and during that process, some writers often have blocks – a temporary inability to write that can last from minutes to weeks.”  (source)

Generating content ideas, using a content calendar, outlining blog posts, writing and publishing… it can get overwhelming to keep up the constant cycle. But even the tiniest bit of planning can help you stay on top of your creative content marketing. That’s where the easy to use, thought-provoking questions, prompts, and graphics of the Brainstorm Boards come into play.

Ready to kick boring content?

Your Writing Roadmap to Story Success.™

Brainstorm Boards® help you map out your entire content marketing process: generate original ideas, map a content calendar, outline posts, send deadline reminders, and provide writing checklists and templates. While some bloggers prefer to simply use some of the Brainstorming tools (i.e. just generating Ideas or just the Content Calendar), when you have Bloggin’ Ninja as a partner, navigating the entire Content Calendar cycle is easy.

#4: Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block

There’s nothing worse than being stuck… frozen… blocked. Most of us have experienced a creative block at some point. We’ve heard from so many bloggers that they’ve had an experience something like this:

A great post idea comes to them. Great! It’s The One!! It immediately inspires them to write and publish. Then another post… and another… and another! For six months to a year, it’s going like gangbusters. Yay! They get 20, 60, 100 blog posts published. Woohoo!! Then, hum… wait… ideas are a bit harder to come by… writing isn’t as much fun. Posts get further and further apart… and then… nothing. POOF. Ideas? Gone. Flow? None. Creativity? Frustrating! And now their blog is sitting, waiting, demanding fresh authentic content… but they don’t know how to continue.

“Research suggests that writers’ block reflects the conflict between the two modes thinking: the automatic (unconscious) and the reflective (conscious)… The conflict arises when the reflective mind is confronted with writer’s feelings of self-doubt, causing the mind to overthink and anticipate possible outcomes, inhibiting the automatic mind that seeks to create.”6 (source) Using Bloggin’ Ninja can “leverage the automatic mind as an approach to boost creative thinking and enhanced idea generation.”

Buh-bye, Writer’s Block.™

Bloggin’ Ninja kicks writer’s block right in the… block!  No matter how long you’ve been blogging, using our Brainstorm Boards will kickstart your creativity. There can be no “stuck,” no judgement and no stress. Within minutes of using a Brainstorm Board, your critical, analytic side will take a backseat as your creative brain takes over and gets your ideas happily flowing. 

#5: So… what does all of this mean?

Well, blogs and social media need to be constantly fed fresh, authentic content to stay ranked and relevant, right? But this can cause an anxiety-producing, constantly looming deadline — because the need for “Really Great Content” is never over!

After publishing your ideas for a while the creative well can start to run dry… the stress of needing to post starts to mount… and what may have started as a fun way to market your new business turns into a dreaded chore. But never, fear, Bloggin’ Ninja is here! 😀

Writing Ninja helps you unlock creativity, discover fresh ideas and stay on track with Deadline Buddy®. Using Bloggin’ Ninja’s fun and easy-to-use tools ensures your Content Marketing feed is full of amazing content ideas for your customers to find.

Did you know that a global study found nine out of 10 professionals agree that creativity is required for economic growth? Yet 78% wishes they had more creative ability. 7 (source

Ready to become a Ninja?

Have fun with your online content marketing strategy!

Start your free Bloggin’ Ninja trial now


1:  Rogers, Todd, Katherine L Milkman, Leslie K. John, and Michael I. Norton. “Beyond Good Intentions: Prompting People to Make Plans Improves Follow-through on Important Tasks.” (Page 4)  Behavioral Science & Policy 1, no. 2 (December 2015): 33–41.

5: Frederica Gonçalves, Ana Caraban, Evangelos Karapanos, and Pedro Campos. 2017. What Shall I Write Next?: Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming as Triggers for Creative Writing. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017 (ECCE 2017). (Page 77) ACM, New York, NY, USA, 77-84.

2: Rogers, Todd, Katherine L Milkman, Leslie K. John, and Michael I. Norton. “Beyond Good Intentions: Prompting People to Make Plans Improves Follow-through on Important Tasks.” (Page 3)  Behavioral Science & Policy 1, no. 2 (December 2015): 33–41.

6: Frederica Gonçalves, Ana Caraban, Evangelos Karapanos, and Pedro Campos. 2017. What Shall I Write Next?: Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming as Triggers for Creative Writing. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017 (ECCE 2017). (Page 78) ACM, New York, NY, USA, 77-84.

3:  Rogers, Todd, Katherine L Milkman, Leslie K. John, and Michael I. Norton. “Beyond Good Intentions: Prompting People to Make Plans Improves Follow-through on Important Tasks.” (Page 4)  Behavioral Science & Policy 1, no. 2 (December 2015): 33–41.

4: Sawyer, R. Keith. “Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation” Second Edition (January 2012)

Bloggin’ Ninja® is a bootstrap marketing platform packed with content marketing tools that help entrepreneurs tell their brand story.


On the Ninja Blog


From your first blog post to daily content marketing tools, Bloggin' Ninja is the secret weapon you need to bootstrap your marketing.

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