Bloggin' Ninja

Ambassador Area

Ambassador Username: 

Guest Blogging

Guest Posting is one of the easiest ways to make a crazy-huge number of referrals. 

Exclusive to our select few Brand Ambassadors, Guest Blogging can have the largest, long-term impact on your earning potential because you write it once, then it earns referrals forever.  

Get commissions by just WRITING!

Write an article for Bloggin’ Ninja and make a commission anytime someone just OPENS your blog post and then becomes a paid subscriber any time within half a year after they read your blog post! That’s because a 6-month cookie for your Ambassador account is assigned to anyone who hits your blog page, giving you a constant stream of long-term, exclusive referrals for your content.

You don’t even need to share or promote the link. We do it for you! So you can just write and don’t have to do any work to drive traffic to your article. None!

We even proofread, format, and post your articles for you. Then, all you have to do is email ’em to us with your affiliate name, and we take care of the rest. Easy! 

A Few Possible Blog Post Topics

Blogging Small Business SEO
Writing Entrepreneurship Keywording



Social Media


Marketing Challenges

Clients & Customers

How You Use Ninja

Your Marketing Journey


Blog Post Optimization

Writing Workflow

Types of Content

Ready to start Guest Blogging? Submit a One-Liner Pitch below

We love to let all voices and writing styles shine! So we’re open to any article — in just about any style — about any of the topics above (even if it’s just tangentially related to blogging. marketing, or small business). We just have a few guidelines:

The Three Steps to Guest Blogging


Since we have multiple Brand Ambassadors, we need to ensure there isn’t duplicate content. So we ask that you let us know what you’re writing before you write it by generating a One-Liner inside Bloggin’ Ninja. So you can go as wild as you like on your pitches — make it your own, let your voice, style, and brand shine through! Just make sure you get the One-Liner (or Outline Organizer if you’re an overachiever!) greenlit before you write.

All posts for the Ninja Blog MUST be developed inside the Bloggin’ Ninja platform. You may write the article wherever/however you like. But there are three simple things you must do in Ninja: develop the TitleTopic, outline it in the Organizer, and use the Honest Optimizer to finish your piece. Articles not developed in Bloggin’ Ninja will not be accepted. 

SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLE via email Once you’re done writing, you can share your article by emailing the Community Manager. We’ll run it through Grammarly, give it light editing if needed, and make sure it’s an entirely new, original article. If any changes are made, we’ll forward them to you for approval. Then, we’ll format and post your article for you. 

And that’s it! Once you have completed writing and you’ve submitted your article, your work is done! We’ll promote it for you,  and, of course, you can too…! The more eyeballs you get on your content, the more likely you will get referrals and conversions!

Pitch Submission for Brand Ambassadors

Brand Ambassador Article Pitch

(Use your TitleTopic if it's done, otherwise just write a short 2-5 word description)
Topic: *
Choose all that apply.
(2-5 lines describing the post, used for all promotion on social media)
Use the One-Liner in the Writing Roadmap to craft the pitch for all Ninja Blog articles.
Include an OUTLINE in your pitch? *
Submit Outline via:
(optional) Copy your outline from the Outline Organizer and paste it here
Who will be writing this post?
Agreement *
Single email where we can let you know once your pitch is approved

Why Guest Blogging Beats Using Links

People can be surprisingly good at spotting and avoiding affiliate links. They hover over the link, look at the URL in the browser status bar, and won’t follow the link if they see anything remotely sketchy. That’s why we create all of our Affiliate links in plain English and avoid the links packed with long strings of random characters you’ll see in other programs. Because people like transparency, and that starts with knowing where that link is taking them.

But even our minimalist Affiliate links are still… well, affiliate links! And some people simply will never click on affiliate links at all, knowing that someone will earn a commission if they decide to purchase. And every time a potential customer chooses not to click an affiliate link, it means a missed commission opportunity.

Guest Blogging is different.

By writing an article on our blog, there is no affiliate link in sight. It’s just a regular old article (granted, in your Bio it will say you’re a Brand Ambassador, you know, for that whole Full Disclosure/transparency/trust reason mentioned earlier!). But without even a whiff of “This is an affiliate link!” in the URL, potential customers are more likely to click– because it’s just a link to a blog post. And that’s all you need to do to earn the referral; have them click your link and visit the page. 

Anyone who goes to your article on the Ninja Blog gives you affiliate status! (Well, as long as they aren’t already there from someone else’s link – the first referral always wins).


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Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Writing Ninja®, Screenwriting Ninja®, Bloggin' Ninja®, the Ninja logo, Deadline Buddy®, Idea Vault®, Writing Roadmap®, BeatBoard® & Brainstorm Board® are registered trademarks of Writing Ninja, LLC.



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